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對於成年人來說,鬆弛的皮膚和腹部多餘的脂肪可能會令人沮喪和具有挑戰性,儘管嘗試減少它們。 體重大幅減輕、分娩和老化是人們無法恢復苗條緊實腹部的最常見原因。 腹部除皺術是一種美容增強術,可以重塑腹部區域,為患者帶來驚人的效果。 在我們賓州韋恩和哈佛敦的工廠,李曉斌博士和她的團隊根據多餘皮膚和脂肪的量進行腹部整形術。 Everest Medspa 的這項廣受歡迎的手術讓男性和女性有機會擁有健美、更小的腹部和更有自信。 在聯絡我們進行諮詢之前,請先詳細了解腹部除皺術如何消除多餘的皮膚和脂肪,同時收緊腹部肌肉。


腹部塑形是在全身麻醉下進行的。 由李醫生進行手術時,有幾種方法可以考慮,這是根據患者的需要量身定做的。 對於初學者來說,切口大小是根據多餘皮膚的量來選擇的。 一些皮膚嚴重鬆弛的人可能需要延長收腹手術。 這種腹部整形技術將切口從臀部到臀部放置在恥骨線上方。 一些皮膚鬆弛程度極低的人可能更適合較小的切口。 接受這種治療的男性和女性仍然受益於皮膚收緊,但只會留下更小的疤痕。 無論採用何種方法,Everest Medspa 的所有腹部除皺手術都涉及切除鬆弛的皮膚和吸脂術。


How much does a tummy tuck cost?
At the time of your initial consultation, Dr. Li will customize your unique surgical plan based on your specific needs and goals before discussing costs. She will be better able to estimate your costs once the type of tummy tuck has been selected, which technique will be used, what anesthesia is needed, and more. To ensure you get high-quality results, Everest Medspa helps make your tummy tuck easy to afford by using several payment methods and giving you information on low-interest financing.

What type of tummy tuck should I get?
There are three main techniques for abdominoplasty: full, mini, and extended. In your consultation, Dr. Li will listen to your concerns and goals before performing a physical exam. Then, she can better decide the technique that will produce the best results. A full tummy tuck is good if you would like to correct loose skin in both the upper and lower abdomen, while a mini tummy tuck is suitable for problems under your belly button, like a "pooch." The extended technique is designed to address issues in the stomach plus your upper thighs and hips.

What will my scars look like?
The incisions needed for your tummy tuck will depend on which type you are getting. During all tummy tucks, Dr. Li makes the smallest, thinnest incisions needed to minimize scars. She also places incisions in areas that are less visible (through the belly button or in the public region) so they may be concealed by underwear or a swimsuit. Following your surgery, it is essential to follow your scar management instructions so your stitches heal properly and eventually blend into your natural skin.

Can I get pregnant after a tummy tuck?
Although you may get pregnant following an abdominoplasty, it will likely alter your results. Dr. Li recommends that you be done with planned pregnancies and childbirth before you get a tummy tuck. If you do become pregnant after your tummy tuck, a second surgery may be done to refresh your results.

Can I get a tummy tuck with another surgery?
Several patients combine another body surgery with a tummy tuck to see more dramatic results. At your consultation with Dr. Li, discuss your concerns so a comprehensive surgical plan may be developed to match your goals. You may combine abdominoplasty with a thigh lift for a lower body lift or other areas for all-over body contouring. If you are trying to improve your body after pregnancy or losing a significant amount of weight, you may be an ideal candidate for after weight loss surgery or a mommy makeover.


有多種因素可能導致腹部下垂,導致皮膚下垂。 我們知道這可能會令人煩惱和令人沮喪——手術通常是克服這個問題的主要方法。 如果您對腹部下垂的皮膚感到困擾,無論是輕微還是嚴重,賓州韋恩或哈佛敦的李醫師進行的整容手術都可以讓您獲得您想要的外觀。 請聯絡 Everest Medspa 以了解更多資訊。

